From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Sales record types: The basics

Sales record types: The basics

- [Instructor] There are many, many tables, many, many record types in Dynamics 365, but there are four record types that are core to our sales process. The first two are accounts and contacts and this is something you're going to understand intuitively. Accounts are organizations. They're companies. In the dataset that I'll be using for my demonstration, there's a company called Blue Yonder Airlines, for example. That's an account. And within that account, you might have just one contact or you might have multiple contacts. For example, for Blue Yonder, there are three different contacts. Jim Glynn, Brian LaMee, and Fabricio Noriega. Contacts here in Dynamics are very similar to contacts that we would store in Microsoft Outlook or any other contact management system. There are people you want to stay in touch with and be in relationship with, so we keep track of their email addresses. We have their Skype ID. Their phone numbers, their physical addresses. We want to know when their…
