From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Qualify a lead

Qualify a lead

- [Instructor] Some sales organizations do not use leads. Whenever there is information about an opportunity, the opportunities enter directly in opportunities. The leads feature in Dynamics is a holding tank. It provides something like a firewall between folks who are bringing in potential new business and our existing customer base. So rather than co-mingle, someone who calls and says, "Hey, "would you like to do a solar project for us?" Or someone we meet on an airplane with people who spent $2 million with us in the last year, we can hold them separate and do a little bit of work on the lead to make sure that they're substantial before we really move them to the opportunities column. If we use the default sales process in Microsoft Dynamics, then when we qualify a lead, we're really moving it inside the firewall. If we go take a look at Robin, here's the sales process at the top of the screen. Qualified, develop, propose, and close. And if I click qualify, what we'll see is…
