From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Log into Dynamics 365

Log into Dynamics 365

- [Instructor] Dynamics 365 lives in a cloud and runs either on a mobile device or in a browser. Let's take a look then at what browsers are supported for use with Dynamics 365. These are the supported combinations of operating systems and browsers from Microsoft. So if you're running Windows 10, you can run the latest version of IE, IE 11 or Edge. In Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer 11 and so on. We also have some other supported browsers, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome and for each and every one of these, you want to use the latest version of the browser. Now that doesn't mean you can't try other browsers or other combinations of browsers and operating systems, but if you do and if you begin having issues, the very first thing your IT folks should point out to you is that your browser choice may be impacting how Dynamics 365 is functioning. Once you followed up your browser, then you can log into Dynamics 365. If you're simply going to enter a URL, then the URL is…
