From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Lists: View, sort, filter, set default view

Lists: View, sort, filter, set default view - Dynamics 365 Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

Lists: View, sort, filter, set default view

- [Instructor] All of the different entities we work with like accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities and so on have different views that have been created for them. For example, in accounts, my active accounts is the primary view, the assumption being that when I go into accounts, I want to look at work that I might be doing right now, the accounts that I'm working with today, but there are other views that have been created, system views. My active accounts, accounts being followed, accounts I follow, all of these different accounts, and so if I wanted to change to a different view like all accounts, I simply go and click on that view. And if I wanted that view to be my default view every single time that I opened up my accounts, then I would simply pin that view and it would become the new default. So now when I go to accounts, all accounts will be the default view. I'm going to change that back so that the default default, my active accounts, is the default view 'cause that is…
