From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Follow and pin records

Follow and pin records

- [Instructor] There are two primary ways you can apply your own tagged items so that you can get back to them. The first is by pinning, and just a reminder that your pinned list shows up here on the left, and that if you want to add something to the pinned list, first go there, and then you can pin it, whether it's a dashboard or a specific record. So for example if I want to make sure that the sales performance dashboard is on my pinned list, I simply pin it. And if I want to make sure that Virginia Frazier is on my pinned list I simply pin her. And then when I open my pinned list I have this mix of people, and dashboards. To unpin someone, I'm done working with Ivan for awhile, so I can unpin Ivan. Now, another option to be able to filter a list in place, based on my own tagging, is to use following. If I want to follow a particular lead for example, I can select it to open it, and then on the toolbar on the right hand side, I can click and I can follow this. Now there's nothing…
