From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Dynamics 365 user interface

Dynamics 365 user interface

- [Instructor] In the last movie I showed you a little bit about the user interface here in Dynamics 365 and there are actually two different user interfaces used on computers, and one of them is also used on mobile devices. This is the new unified user interface for Dynamics 365. And, on this tab, we have the web interface or the classic interface for Dynamics 365. You may still be using this in your organization. I just want to show you some differences so that you can follow along with me. I'll be using the new unified user interface in this course. In the old interface when I opened a menu my navigation bar dropped down from the top. So in the web interface here are my different areas. Sales, service, marketing, and so on. And then if I wanted to look for example at marketing I click on marketing and I get the navigation for marketing. In the unified UI, my interface is on the left. So if I'm working in, for example sales, here are my navigation tools for sales. And if I want to…
