From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Drill down in a Power BI dashboard

Drill down in a Power BI dashboard

- [Instructor] Now, let's look at a chart from a dashboard created in Power BI. It's going to behave a little differently. I'm going to go to the Dynamics 365 Sales Manager dashboard. Again, we need to wait a little longer for it to load because we're firing up Power BI to fire up Dynamics. But here is our dashboard, and it's composed of many different tiles that illustrate information. Now, where these tiles originally came from in Power BI was a report, so if I want to know more for example about the win count or the average deal size or something else, notice that I have something I can click on because the pointer changes shape. So let's go to Win Count this year and click on that number 42 item, and what's going to open is not another chart, I wasn't asked to provide information about what I wanted to look at, I'm being taken to this tile in Power BI. And if I want to see the report that sits behind this, one of my choices is to open the Power BI report so that we can view it…
