From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Disqualify a lead

Disqualify a lead

- [Instructor] The point of leads is not necessarily to qualify them. there are leads you might not want to qualify. For example, if our organization requires a timeline and a budget to qualify a lead, then by definition any lead where there is not both a timeline and a budget will not be qualified. And there are two possibilities of what we can do with a lead that doesn't qualify. We can explicitly disqualify it, in which case it will be removed from our list of active leads, or we can simply choose not to qualify it right now. Let's go take a look at this lead, which is Robin Counts. Robin Counts went our website and said they like our products. We've done a little bit of investigation, we've had some e-mails back and forth, and nothing seems to be coming of this. When we went into the qualify stages, even if we created a contact and account, when we say, "Well, when would you like to buy our products?" They don't know. And estimated budget there is really uncertain. We know who the…
