From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Dashboards: The basics

Dashboards: The basics

- [Instructor] By default, whenever you dive into one of the Dynamics 365 apps like Sales or Marketing, you see a dashboard. This is the default dashboard for sales, it's the Sales Activity Social dashboard. On the left-hand side, we have a pipeline, in the center, we have a chart that has leads. On the right-hand side, information about opportunities that are closing or opportunities that have closed coming from the Relationship Assistant. If I wanted to change dashboards within this app, I'd click the drop-down arrow, and I could choose different dashboards from the dashboard selector. So for example, if I choose the Sales Performance dashboard, and this my open opportunities, this goals for my period, group information and so on. Also in Dynamics 365, you may have dashboards that come to us from Power BI and you can tell the difference because the dashboard icon has a different look. This is the Power BI icon, it's a box with a small column chart inside of it, so if I go to the…
