From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Create and edit appointments

Create and edit appointments

- [Instructor] An appointment is a specific type of an activity, so if I wanted to create a meeting, for example, with Rene, I can click on his name, and then I can choose Appointment to open the Appointment form. Now I could also do this from Quick Create without looking at Rene first, but often I'm in here looking at the timeline and checking out my last meetings with Rene first. And I'll be the owner. He's listed as a required attendee. I can add other required attendees by choosing Add More Records. So if we also wanted to have, for example, Jim Glin there with us, because he's going to talk about the work that I have done with their organization, I can add Jim as a required attendee, as well. It says Rene plus one, don't worry that it didn't show Jim's name separately. I can add optional attendees. I'm required to enter a subject for this appointment. And by the way, this form will always say Appointment, even when you invite more people. But you can use it as a standard…
