From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Create a new record

Create a new record

- [Instructor] There are two different ways that we can create many of the records that we see in Dynamics 365. The first way, the traditional way, is to go to the list where you would want to add an item. For example, My Active Contacts to add a new contact, and there's a new contact button here. Notice it says New, Create a new Contact record. I want to contrast that with this button. This is simply Create a new record. We'll get to that one in a moment, but if I click the New Contact Record button, what I get is a blank form to enter a new contact, and this form comes with a little bit filled in. I'm creating it, so it makes me the owner. Now, I can click and find me here. This form is partially filled in. I'm creating this new contact, and therefore I'm already here, and I know that this has to be filled in because there's a red asterisk. That means required. In the same way, I can't add a contact without a last name. It's required, but there's a blue plus here, and that doesn't…
