From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Close orders and mark as won or lost

Close orders and mark as won or lost

- [Instructor] Our last stage is closing and there are two things that need to be done in this particular stage. One is we need to deal with any quotes we have that are open, and the second is that we need either close this opportunity as won or close it as lost. I want to talk about that aspect of the closing first so that you understand the difference. Closes lost means we're not getting this business and we know that. We've talked to the customer and it is clear that one of two things has happened. Either they are not going to follow this opportunity at this point, for example, perhaps the company went out of business, perhaps they're going to pursue this project any longer. Whatever it is that's being canceled, and in that case, we could put in competitor information. If we wish, we can put in a description and it's closed as of this date. The other possibility is our competitor got the business. We were outsold, and in that case, we really want to make sure that we capture…
