From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Assign and share leads

Assign and share leads

- [Instructor] Whenever I create a new record, I am its default owner. If you ever wonder who the owner of a record is, you can point to the More Header Fields button in the right-hand corner of the form, click and it will show you who the owner is, because that's a required field. Every record has to be owned by somebody. Perhaps I want to share this lead with one of my colleagues, because they will also be involved with this, but I want to retain ownership. It's like, you can help me with this, you can work on this with me, but the buck stops with me. And if I'm going to do that, that's called Sharing. And I'm going to show you how to do this using my pretend friend, Joe Admin. But it will work this way with your actual colleagues, as well. We have a search box where you can search for someone, presumably we'll have a long list of people to find. I want Joe. If I wasn't sure this was the right person, I could click and go see Joe's profile, but I am sure it's the right person. And…
