From the course: Learning Microsoft 365

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Storing files with OneDrive

Storing files with OneDrive - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft 365

Storing files with OneDrive

- [Instructor] We now know that Microsoft 365 is cloud-based and comes with online versions of the Microsoft apps, some of which we might be able to download as desktop versions. And when connected to the cloud and signed into our account, our files will be stored in the cloud as well. But where exactly and how do we find them? That's what we're going to explore in this movie as we look at OneDrive. You can be at the home screen here in Microsoft 365 like me and go to the app launcher to find OneDrive. Go ahead and select it. If you subscribe to a home or personal version of Microsoft 365, you'll have access to your own personal OneDrive storage space in the cloud. If you're like me who works for an organization, Red30 Tech, that subscribes to a business version of Microsoft 365, you get OneDrive for business. You might want to write that one down if you're taking notes and remember it for down the road because OneDrive for Business gives us cloud storage as well, but the ability to…
