From the course: Learning Microsoft 365

Consider Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft 365

Consider Copilot for Microsoft 365

- [Instructor] One thing worth mentioning when it comes to your Microsoft 365 subscription is functionality that's relatively new to Microsoft. It's called Copilot. Now, Copilot is an optional add-on for business subscription plans that will give you access to artificial intelligence built right into some of the Microsoft apps when you use them. It's like having your own AI assistant at your side. So here I am at the Welcome to Microsoft 365 home screen, but logged in as somebody else, a user who has been given access to Copilot. And right away we see it over here on the left hand side. Clicking this will take us right to Copilot. Now, Copilot is accessible in apps like Teams, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, and other apps as well. And we can use it to do all kinds of cool things like make a request in Outlook to have Copilot summarize a long email, or summarize a long conversation in teams, transform ideas into brilliant slides in PowerPoint, get expert analysis and insights on your data in Excel, or do things in Word like summarize documents or create drafts. So from here you can see some information on Copilot, what's new, get the gist. This is all going to help you get up to speed with Copilot. But when we go into an actual app, we'll see Copilot there as well. So clicking Home and going directly to a document, like a Word document, which is what I'm going to do, opens it up in the online version here in my browser. And you can see on the ribbon, way off to the right, is an icon for Copilot. Your ribbon might be expanded, which we can do, like the classic ribbon. And there it is, Copilot right next to Designer. Clicking this is going to open up the pane on the right hand side for Copilot where we can do cool things. Now, this is a fairly long document, four pages. We could type in exactly what we want to do, like reference anything regarding Globe Bank's locations. Or how about summarizing the document? Well, there's a suggestion right there. We could type in "summarize this doc," or simply click this shortcut to do it. When we do, you can see Copilot kicks right in and starts doing things. And as we scroll back up to see what's happened, we'll see different summaries of different sections. And as we scroll down, we're going to see references. We can expand that to see the different areas that are referenced in the document. Quick and easy access to those areas. We can make the summary more casual or make it longer. These are options that appear after the summary is created. So lots of things we can do with Copilot. Even with new blank documents, you could ask it to maybe write an introductory message when you're introducing somebody at a conference, for example. And it'll write it up for you, a nice little draft, and you'll just go in and make the odd tweak. It can save you lots of time and lots of effort. So I'm going to close this off, leaving it just as is. Knowing that Copilot is going to save you a lot of time and a lot of effort if you decide it's something you want to add on to your subscription. Now, if it sounds interesting to you and you'd like to see it in action, LinkedIn Learning has you covered. The best place to start learning about Copilot is a learning path called "Get Started with Microsoft Copilot." Not only will the courses in this path introduce you to Copilot, but also show you how you can use it in the various Microsoft apps.
