From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Write commands in a shell at the prompt

Write commands in a shell at the prompt - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Write commands in a shell at the prompt

- [Instructor] Now that we know the general structure of a command, let's see how to send those commands to the system. To do that, we'll open a terminal. To find the terminal, I'll click on "Activities", click in the search bar and type terminal. And then I'll click on the icon that it suggests. The terminal application runs a shell program, which I mentioned before, the text-based interface, where we can interact with a system. On your system you can usually find the terminal application in a utilities folder or if your system doesn't start up with a graphical interface, you'll find yourself at the shell after logging in, in a console environment, I'll take a moment to make my terminal a little bit more readable on the screen. I'll click the button with three lines, choose preferences, and under profiles, I'll click "Unnamed". I'll make some choices about the colors and about my font, and then I'll close the settings.…
