From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Understand how commands are structured

Understand how commands are structured - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Understand how commands are structured

- [Narrator] There are a few terms and ideas we need to be familiar with to really be productive using the command line. Before we jump into using commands, let's take a look at how a command line statement is structured. The general pattern that we'll see is command, options, and arguments. Here's a couple of common commands you'll see with options and arguments that are used with them. Don't worry about the specifics of the commands right now. We'll explore them in more detail later on. I just want to show you the structure of what we'll be working with before we get into what these actually do. Depending on what we're doing, we might just have a command, or a command and one or more options. Or we might have just a command with one or more arguments. But when we're issuing a command at the command line, there will always be a command. The command is the program you're running, or the action you're taking. Without…
