From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Install and update software with a package manager

Install and update software with a package manager - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Install and update software with a package manager

- [Instructor] One important aspect of working with the Linux system is the ability to install and remove software. We need to be able to manage software in order to add new tools and programs to a system. One of the most common ways to add software to a Linux system is to use a package manager because many common programs and tools are distributed through software packages. Depending on the Linux distribution we're using, the package manager will use they'll vary. Each distribution has its own repository of packages, a large index of available software that we can download and which the package manager will then install for us. Debbian and distros like Ubuntu that are derived from it, use the APT package manager, APT stands for advanced package tool. Depending on the version, Red Hat and CentOS use the Yum package manager or the DNF package manager and Fedora uses DNF. SUSE uses YaST and Arch uses pacman. Generally…
