From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Uncover leads insights with Lead Pages - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Uncover leads insights with Lead Pages

- [Narrator] How do you build rapport and establish yourself as an informed partner with your leads? Well, the key lies in understanding your leads page on Sales Navigator. Let's start by clicking on leads at the top of the page and all of your saved leads lists are here. Now, if I click into a lead list let's go to our referral leads from personal network. Now, if I click into a lead list you can see how similar it is to an account list from our earlier video, account lists focused on companies. Whereas this view shows you people. To open this lead's profile page, I'm going to click on their name. Now, you might be thinking, why is a lead page laid out differently to a LinkedIn profile? Well, Sales Navigator prioritizes the most important information to be at the top of your leads page. As we look through this leads page, we're looking for pieces of information that will help us to build rapport, to stay focused on your lead's specific responsibilities and understand their key priorities for their role. Quickly scan your lead's current job title and description along with a summary of any past companies in the light gray box on the left. If there's more detail to be seen here you can simply click See more. But for now, let's continue down the page. Below the current role section, we see the relationship section here. Now Sales Navigator will highlight our leads recent activity on LinkedIn and any common groups, schools or interests that we share with our lead. This information is enough to turn a cold outreach into a warmer dialogue when you do reach out to this lead. Earlier in this course, we talked about the importance of referral opportunities, continuing our turn down the page. In the get introduced section, we see any connections we share mapped out by seniority level and this can help you pick the best person to ask for warm introduction to your lead or indeed just worth mentioning as you build rapport. Now, you can filter these by shared connections, shared work experience, or indeed if there's a Team Link connection that will also be posted here. Underneath, we see our leads experience in more detail which we can go through again to help us build rapport. And if you have CRM sync with Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce on your Sales Navigator license you'll have access to a section outlining the information available in your CRM or as you can see on the screen able to create a record directly back to your CRM. So as you can see, your Sales Navigator lead page has a lot of rich information and resources that you can use to your advantage to build rapport and present yourself as an informed seller.
