From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Uncover actionable insights using buyer intent - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Uncover actionable insights using buyer intent

- The world of sales and buying has changed, and one of the biggest changes in behavior that we've seen is buyers are doing more research before ever engaging with their sales partners. So, how do you identify both the right people and the signals that they are researching your company? At the top of Sales Navigator, let's click on Accounts and it brings us straight to our Buyer Intent Dashboard where we can view any saved accounts showing intent signals as well as highlighting new accounts showing interest in your company by selecting the option to the right. Now the buyer intent score ranges from negative to high. The top two levels, moderate and high, show that the account is researching and may be ready for some outreach from you. To the right of the dashboard, you can see highlighted leads, and this is based on your ongoing interactions in Sales Navigator. Now, if you need to find leads in this account, you can simply click and find leads to the right. Now, these are all from my saved accounts, but if I switch over to the other tab at the top of the page here to Discover New Accounts, from here, it's easy to save a new account to an existing list, or indeed, create a new list as we walk through before. Simply select the checkbox beside each account and click Save. The Buyer Intent Dashboard gives you a competitive advantage, allowing you to prioritize accounts based on their actions. If you're not seeing anything in your Buyer Intent Dashboard just yet, make sure that you upload your book of business either through a CSV file as we've shown before or identify accounts using your account filters so that you can take advantage of the Buyer Intent Dashboard.
