From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sell more effectively with Sales Navigator - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sell more effectively with Sales Navigator

- If you're in sales, you know the window of opportunity to influence a deal is getting shorter today more than ever. So how do you identify the right decision makers quickly and engage with them in a meaningful way? In this course, I'm going to share with you how to use Sales Navigator to identify leads not only by demographic information, but to go deeper by looking at the actions that decision makers have taken on LinkedIn. Hi, I'm Thomas Creighton de Farias, and in my role here at LinkedIn, I talk with salespeople every day to understand what is it that they do differently to become top performers. I'll share with you some key insights on target accounts so when the time comes for you to reach out, you do so as the informed partner that we know buyers want to deal with. So join me on my LinkedIn Sales Navigator course.
