From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Organize your saved accounts in an account list - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Organize your saved accounts in an account list

- Staying on top of target companies is critical to your success, but how do you ensure you stay organized, and don't become overwhelmed as your searches grow? The answer lies in lists. Account lists are accessed from the very top of the page by clicking accounts, and then the account lists tab just below the search bar. On the right, you can access all of your saved accounts from the searches we ran earlier. Now, if you recall, we also saved accounts to a list, and gave it a specific name to help distinguish it, here it is. But imagine you already have a book of business in a spreadsheet, maybe sitting on your desktop. You're probably thinking, how do I just add that list of accounts here? Well, you can add a simple spreadsheet by clicking create account list from the top right, and then choosing upload accounts from CSV. Now, the on screen instructions will walk you through what is needed here, but on a very basic level, all that is required is a CSV file with a column that contains the name of those accounts in your book of business. You can add additional information here that will help to match the right company, but just click continue, and then we need to drag and drop that spreadsheet from your computer into the box here. Next, we match up the account name with the right column in your sheet. Now I was very imaginative, and called the column in my spreadsheet account name. Now if you have any other details in your spreadsheet, you can also map them here too. Let's click continue, and from here we'll want to make sure that the name of our account list is correct. Then click finish. Now Sales Navigator matches those companies across LinkedIn and creates your list just like that. That list now appears in my account lists, and more importantly, I'll start to see alerts about these accounts starting to populate my home feed. Now, if I go ahead and click into that list, I see my list view. Now this acts as a dashboard for these accounts where I can view a history of my interactions with an account under outreach activity, I can also quickly see notes, whether they're added by myself, or by a colleague in my company. If you collaborate with a sales development rep, an account executive, or perhaps even your manager during deal reviews, you can share this list directly with them from here. Simply click Share List in the top right-hand corner, and search for the name of your colleague. Now, they also need to have a Sales Navigator license. So do you have a spreadsheet of accounts you'd like to upload to Sales Navigator? Pause for a few minutes here to use that spreadsheet and create your own account lists. Once it's set up, go ahead and share it with a member from your team. Account lists help you to collaborate easily with your peers or business leaders, but more than that, they are focused on driving efficiency, helping you to stay on top of your accounts from your dashboard.
