From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Gain valuable customer intelligence on account pages - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Gain valuable customer intelligence on account pages

- How do you earn your buyer's trust and show them that you understand their business? Well, you ask relevant and insightful questions and you do this through intelligent research. Let's take a look at account pages to see what you can uncover to prepare you for your next conversation. As you can see here, I'm in my account list and I want to gain more intelligence by clicking into an account profile. Let's scroll down here and choose Microsoft. Simply click on the company name. Now, in the top section of this account profile, we immediately get access to a lot of information and by clicking into view more details here on the right this side panel appears to give me a complete overview of what the company has shared on their LinkedIn profile page. If I click back into the account profile, we can see here highlighted in blue how many employees work at the organization, have LinkedIn profiles. We also see how many decision makers are here and that is based on those people who are at C-Suite level, VPs or director seniority level and above. And you may also see a number of Team Link connections here. Now, that's the number of people in this company that you could be introduced to from someone on your team. Continuing our tour of the top section of the account profile, you can add notes to this account. Notes that you take may be private, which are for my eyes only, or public notes, which are visible to everyone on your Sales Navigator contract, which is very helpful if you're collaborating with your colleagues. And if you have CRM like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics integrated with your sales navigator your notes will be synced to your CRM so that you're keeping your information aligned across your different tools. Scrolling down to our next section, we have the account map. Now this helps you to visualize key players or your buyer circle in your target accounts. You can easily find and add people by adding them either from save leads or recommended leads. Imagine for a second that I predominantly interact with the sales team in this organization. I can filter these results to see people in that function and then simply add to the map. Once added, you can drag and drop these leads into an appropriate tier. For more complex companies, you might create multiple account maps which can be helpful as you interact with this account and reveal the different players involved in buying decisions. Simply click on select map the dropdown, and then choose Create New Map. Now, once you have an account mapped out, you can see how easy it is to save all these leads from the top right here. Being a team player, you can share account maps with your colleagues on your Sales Navigator license. Again, just click share and then choose your colleague name from the list. Scrolling down, we get to the buyer intent insights. Now if you recall, these are the signals coming from people in this account that are researching your products and solutions. The buyer intent score here tells me the type of actions that have contributed to that score. And when you add in the buyer activity section below it you can map those actions back to the individual identities taken the action. As we continue this tour of account pages, we see growth insights organized into employee count, distribution and headcount, new hires and job openings. These insights show you how a company is growing or changing. So for example, if you're seeing a lot of growth in a particular department, that might help you craft some great questions that you'll want to ask your account. Now below our growth Insight section we see other accounts highlighted to us. This is based on accounts sharing similarities with the account you're viewing and what other users have viewed. And in the final section on our page here, we see the account alert section where all those updates and news about this company and its people will help you to keep up to date with what's happening. So you can see the account page is a goldmine of valuable insights and nuggets of information that helps you to present yourself as a credible, informed and value business partner.
