From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Find your priority and new accounts - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Find your priority and new accounts

- With Sales Navigator, you get access to news and insights about companies from across the globe. Well, that's a lot of information about a lot of companies. Wouldn't it be great to cut through that noise and zone in on those companies that will make the most impact for you? Let's use Sales Navigator to do just that. There are many ways to perform searches on Sales Navigator, and the first, perhaps the most obvious, is in the Search bar at the top of the page. Simply type in the name of the company that you're looking for, let's try Microsoft. Now, beside the company name, you'll see the industry listed here, and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of your target organizations' industries. This will help you later when you look to identify other organizations in the same industry. Let me just click X here. Another way of searching is to use advanced filters. Now, this is an excellent option if you're looking to cast a wide net and build a list of prospect accounts or maybe do some sales development. To do that, select Account Filters at the top on the right to the Search bar. Now, on the left of the screen, we see all the different filters that we can apply. While on the right, as we apply those filters, we'll start to see the results appear, making it fast and easy to pick out the accounts we're looking for. But the way I like to think about my search strategies is to start by applying broad filters first. Filters such as industry and geography help me to focus in on critical regions and sectors. So, let's imagine we're targeting Europe's computer and electronics manufacturing industry. Now, I'm going to click into Industry, and then just start typing in the industry name, computers and electronic manufacturing. Just click Include. And in Headquarters, I'm just going to type in Europe, and Include. You can be much more specific about the regions you sell to and even include exclusion filters. So, say you target Europe but you want to exclude the United Kingdom from that search, simply find United Kingdom and hit Exclude. Now, to narrow these results, you can add some filters based on account intelligence. For example, let's prioritize companies showing headcount growth in their sales department. Let's navigate down to Department Headcount Growth. We'll choose our sales department from the list. And then, let's set a minimum 5% headcount growth and click Add. Now, immediately, we're seeing those results update to reflect that additional filter. But let's go further again and focus on companies displaying what we call buyer intent. That's companies actively showing signs of researching your company and interacting with content and your team. Simply scroll up to the top and select Buyer Intent. Now, from here, you can start saving the relevant company so that you're kept up to date on things happening within those organizations. You can do this two ways. You can click the Save button here to the right. Or if you have multiple accounts, we can select the checkbox to the left of each of the accounts we want to save, and then click Save to List at the top of the page. We have the choice to add them to an existing list, but for now, let's make a brand new list. I'm going to click Plus, and then we're going to name this list. When naming here, I like to tell Future Me how I found these companies, so I tend to include details around the search parameters. In this case, we saw that this list was based on sales team headcount growth in Europe's computer industry with buyer intent. And then, we'll click Create and Save. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "Thomas, I'll always be interested in any company that starts researching my company." So, a top tip for you here is to get into the habit of saving your searches. That will tell Sales Navigator to constantly run the search in the background and alert you to any new company that begins to match these criteria. Simply click Save Search in the top right and name this search. (keyboard keys clicking) You'll get those notifications through email and be able to find your saved search results here to see any new matches. As you can see, Sales Navigator's powerful filters help you go beyond simple company-level data like location and industry. Let's put this into practice by creating an account list for yourself.
