From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Establish business relationships with warm referrals - Sales Navigator Tutorial

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Establish business relationships with warm referrals

- [Instructor] 90% of buyers say they don't respond to cold outreach, so how do you create meaningful conversations that build upon trusted relationships? Well, let's look at some best practices when asking for a warm referral to your lead. Now, to ask for the introduction, we're going to simply click message and a window will open where we can send a message. Let's expand this so we can build a message together. Now, there are some best practices for requesting an introduction that you should bear in mind. First and foremost, make sure it's positive. Be respectful of their time and efforts. You want to be direct and clearly state what it is you're looking for, but you also want to explain why you would like the introduction. What's the benefit for everyone involved? Are you helping to solve a particular problem for your lead? And let's take a look at what that might look like in our example. Here you can see I'm building rapport in my opening paragraph, but I'm also being really clear in my ask. Next, give the person the opportunity to say no if it's not a fit, if it won't work at this time, or if it just doesn't make sense. This will save you time in the long run and will show your connection that you respect and value their opinion. Here, you could also offer to introduce your connection to someone from your network, so they don't feel that this is a one-sided request. Let's take a look at that in our example. And finally, as you can see here in the last sentence, you can make it easier for your connection by ghostwriting the message you would like them to send, something that they can easily copy and paste or make some tweaks before sending on to your target prospect. In short, the message is to harness the power of your network or team link connections to start a conversation and book that meeting with your leads without the need for cold outreach.
