From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

What is a project?

- [Instructor] Before you start searching for candidates for a specific position, it's best to first create a project for that position. This allows you to organize all of your work into one place, including your saved candidates, communications, notes, tags, job posts, and more. I'm currently on my recruiter homepage, and you can see here that I have a couple of projects in the center of the screen. These are my recent projects. If you want to see all of your projects, you can come over to the right and click View All. From here, you'll have access to all of your projects, and what will show up here is based on the filters that you select here on the left-hand side, and that can help you narrow down the projects that you're looking for. Now I want to go back to the homepage. And, again, we can do this by clicking the Recruiter logo in the top left. Now I want to select one of the projects so we can get a better idea of what the project is. I'll choose this one, Content Manager, San Francisco. And once inside a project, you'll have access to a lot of different tools. The Talent Pool area shows you candidates that LinkedIn recommends for the position based on specifications you make in job postings associated with the project. I haven't created a job post for this project, so we're not seeing anything here at the moment. But once you create a job post, you'll start seeing recommended candidates. Once you start seeing recommended candidates, if you have one you're interested in, you can move them to the pipeline. The pipeline helps you keep track of candidates that you're interested in. Not only can you save candidates here, but you can also view where they're at in the hiring process. You'll see the different stages over here on the left. We have Uncontacted, Contacted, Replied, and you may see other categories in here as well. And as they progress through the stages, you can change their stage in the pipeline. So this is really convenient. Now, as you work within your project and add candidates to your pipeline and create a job post and more, LinkedIn will continue to customize the search for you in order to find great candidates for your situation. So this is why it's important to create a project before you start with your search. Doing so will allow you to keep all of the candidates, collaboration and communication organized in one place, where you can always pick up right where you left off. But with no real information in a project, we don't really see any results, so we'll take a look at how to create a new project next.
