From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Use recruiting tools to collaborate

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Use recruiting tools to collaborate

- [Instructor] We've seen that when viewing candidates in your pipeline, you can click on the candidate's name, and that displays their information in this panel that slides in from the right side of the window, and from here you can change their pipeline stage. You can archive them, send them a message, or click any of the headings here in their profile to see which of your projects they're associated with and so on, but in this video, let's focus on the right-hand side where we can scroll down and find the recruiting tools. The recruiting tools provide a great way to keep you and your team up to date and informed on candidates and where they are in the hiring process. Here at the top we have notes, and I can click in here to add a note. Next, I can decide if I want to make this note visible to only me. This might be a note that's only relevant to me, or we can send it to members of Sales Manager SF, which means anyone in this project will be able to look at this note, which I would select if people on the project need to know this info, or I can make this note visible to anyone in my organization. In this case, I do want to share it with my team members. So I'll leave that selected, and I'll click Add, and now you can see that Jess has one note that's attached to her account, and anyone on this project will be able to see this note if they view Jess's information. They'll also be able to reply to it or leave notes of their own. Below that, we have reminders. So for example, if I wanted to make sure that I got back in touch with Jess when her project is over, I can type in contact Jess. Project is over, and I can click in here to enter a date. Maybe I know she'll be done by next month on the 19th, and we can add that reminder, and now we see the reminder listed here, and I'll get a notification when the date arrives. At any point, if that date changes, I can click the Edit button to change that information, and of course we can add more reminders as well. Below that we have links, and this is where you can share a candidate's website, online portfolio or any other relevance site to keep it attached to the candidate's account and of course, other team members will be able to see that as well, and below that we have tags. Now your product admin for Recruiter has the ability to set up to 300 tags. You can then use these to keep candidates organized and easier to search. So if I click Show All Tags, it shows me the ones that are available to me because they've been added to the platform. So maybe I'll select Sales in this case, and now we can see that tag has been added. So when you're searching for candidates, be sure to utilize these recruiting tools. They're a great way to keep you and your team up to date and informed on the candidates inside your projects.
