From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

The importance of your personal brand

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

The importance of your personal brand

- [Instructor] Before we dive in much further with Recruiter, I want to bring up an important consideration. Your LinkedIn profile is separate from your Recruiter account, but they're still connected. Let me show you what I mean. Right now I'm looking at my LinkedIn profile page, and here in the top right, you'll see that I have a Recruiter icon. Recruiter is a paid service, but I have access to it. So that's why this appears here, and when I click it, my Recruiter homepage opens in a new tab. Now, although the Recruiter account is separate from my own personal LinkedIn account, the accounts are linked and for this reason, maintaining your personal brand is extremely important. When your name is attached to a job post, or when you send a message to candidates on Recruiter, whether it's a conversation starter or an invitation to meet, or something else, the people you communicate with are likely to click on your name and take a good look at your profile, which is why it's so important to have a profile that represents you and your organization well. On your profile, this starts with a quality profile picture, a clear job title and an engaging summary. Your LinkedIn profile is likely going to be the first impression that these candidates have of both you and your company. So take the time to construct a professional LinkedIn profile that represents yourself and your company in a positive light. If you'd like to learn more about how to set up your LinkedIn profile or improve it, check out our course titled Learning LinkedIn, which is free for anyone to access.
