From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Send a message to candidates

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Send a message to candidates

- [Instructor] Communication is a critical part of successful recruiting and LinkedIn Recruiter makes communicating with candidates easy and efficient by allowing you to send messages to them from within the Recruiter platform. Doing so, lets you receive notifications anytime you receive a message and you can also review your communication log which keeps track of all communication activity. And sending a message in Recruiter is extremely intuitive. When you're inside of your talent pool or pipeline, you'll have your candidates listed here in the main part of the window. To the right of each candidate, we have this envelope icon and that's how you can send a message to the candidate. I'll click that icon and it opens up this side panel. And here we have a couple of options. First, here at the top, we could search for a template. So if we already have a message template for specific messages we often send, we could search for and use them from here. In this case, I'm not going to use a template but we will see how to create them in an upcoming video. Below the template field, this looks like any other regular e-mail message set up. We have the name of the candidate in the to field, below that we can and should add a subject, and then we can compose our message. Now, notice over here to the right we have this tips area. These are some suggestions for things you might want to mention in your message to help personalize it and provide relevant info to the person you're messaging. The really cool thing about this area is that it actively analyzes your message as you're typing it. So for example, right now, we can see how many mutual connections we have, we're getting the suggestion to include the candidate's name in the message to keep the message below 800 characters and so on. So in this case, I'm just going to paste in a message that I already typed out, like so, and notice that the tips get checked off. I've included the candidate's name, my message is below 800 characters. And if I add the company name to my message, notice that gets checked off as well. Now, none of these items are requirements, they're just suggestions for ways to make your message more compelling before you send it off. Now, you can hide this panel by clicking close, or you can also toggle message insights on and off. Now, under this message area, we have the signature that will go with this message, and that's currently displaying my LinkedIn profile name and title. But you're free to click edit and customize the signature as well. I'm just going to leave it as is. Below that, we can add an attachment by clicking the paperclip icon. I don't need to attach anything in this case. Over here on the right, we have this lock icon. And it is important to click this and check your settings because this is where you can decide who you want to make this conversation visible to. Do you want it to only be visible to you and the person you're sending it to, or do you want it to be available to all the members of your project or anyone in your organization? I'm going to set this to members of the sales manager project because I want all of the members to see the communication that takes place in regard to this candidate. So I click save and when I'm ready, I can send the message. And when a candidate responds to your message, you'll receive a notification at your primary e-mail address and in your InMail inbox. Once you receive a message back, you can continue the conversation through e-mail or InMail. So you can utilize these communication features inside of Recruiter to reach out to candidates. In order to send a message to most candidates, however, you will need to use InMail, which we'll discuss in the next video.
