From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Search for candidates

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Search for candidates

- [Garrick] So far we've seen how to add candidates to your pipeline both by searching inside the talent pool of a project and by manually adding candidates you know about. But what if you have no applicants and no leads yet? In those cases, you can search the entirety of LinkedIn to find potential candidates with the skills or talents you're looking for. There are a couple of ways you can do this. We can start right here on the recruiter homepage and use the search bar. Let's say I'm looking for candidates for my project manager position. I'll come up here to the global search bar and I can type in project manager. Now before I press enter I already see options here to refine my search or specify more about what I'm looking for. I can search for people who have job titles that match project manager. We have quality assurance manager, senior project manager, and so on. It even pulls up specific people whose profiles I might be interested in taking a look at. And it also shows me my own projects that have project management in the title. In this case though, I want to search all people who match project manager. And that brings me to this results page where we see people who have product managers somewhere in their profiles, as we see project manager here, down here, and as I scroll through I'll continue to see that. But also note that I have over 13 million results here. So we'll probably want to start narrowing down the candidates. Over here on the left, we have a ton of advanced filters that you can apply to pair down the number of potential candidates. For example, under locations, if the job I'm hiring for is in a specific region, I should enter it here. Start typing Los Angeles, and I can select one of the options that comes up and we can see that adding a location reduces my results down to around 200,000 candidates. We also have this spotlight filter area with filters that can surface candidates who might be more likely to engage with recruiters. For example, I'll select open to work to find candidates who have added the open to work label to their profiles. We're down to 51,000 results and we can click save to project next to any candidate that looks promising or use the buttons to the right to send a message or to add notes, tags, and so on. But as you can see, after performing your initial search you can narrow down the results by applying the filters here on the left or through the spotlights at the top. And of course, if you spend a lot of time setting up filters, you probably don't want to have to go through this process every time you do a search. So you can come over here to the left and click save search. So you can enter a search name here and you need to enter a project name in this case. So I'll select that. We have the option here to receive alerts for this search. We can also just go to the project after saving. Just also call this project manager. Can be project manager search, and I'll click save. And you can return to the search at any time under saved searches and pull up the most recent and relevant results just by clicking on it. Now it's also worth mentioning that you can also perform candidate searches through LinkedIn as well. I'll come up to my profile photo here and go to my profile. So now I'm on outside of Recruiter, but you can use the global search bar here to search for candidates as well. For example, I can come up here and type in graphic design and this gives me results for people, services, jobs, and so on. But since I'm looking for potential candidates I'll just filter this down to people. And now I see a list of people with graphic design in their profiles and I can click on a profile here and if they seem like they have potential, I'll find this view in recruiter button that I can click to instantly view them through the recruiter tools. I'll just close that for now and go back to my LinkedIn search results. So as you can see you can browse for potential candidates just as easily through LinkedIn as you can in Recruiter. If at any time you want to switch your search results over to Recruiter, just click search with recruiter up here. And that opens and performs your search in Recruiter so you can work with the advanced filters that we just looked at. All right, so that's how to search for and narrow down potential candidates both through Recruiter and through LinkedIn.
