From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Save candidates to your pipeline

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Save candidates to your pipeline

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at how to start searching for candidates. One good way is to start to perform your searches inside of the talent pool of a project. So I'm going to navigate to the "Sales Manager" project that we created. And here I'll click "Talent Pool." Now, you may not see any candidates listed here if you haven't yet created a job posting, which we did in the previous chapter. In this case, though, I can see I have over 7,000 potential candidates listed here, and you can use the filters on the left or also the spotlight filters here at the top, to filter through these candidates. So for example, if I wanted to see people who follow or who have interacted with my company on LinkedIn, or who've selected "I'm interested in future roles," I can click this filter here, and now I'm seeing just these candidates. We're down to 1,300 filtered results. Now, we can also come over here, to "Recommended Matches," and these results are based on your save, profile view, and message activity. Usually, you'll see 10 new candidates posted here per day based on your job post, and you can browse through these candidates that LinkedIn believes might be a good match for this position. You can click on a candidate's name to look at their LinkedIn profile, and here you'll also find similar profiles you can browse through. If you think a candidate might be worth contacting about the position, you can click "Save to Pipeline" under their name. I'll just close that. Now, you can also click the "Save to Pipeline" button next to any recommended matches here without having to view their full profiles first. Got a little tip here about where these go. I'm just going to close that for now. Now, you can also click the arrow next to the "Save to the Pipeline" button and assign a stage of the pipeline to them right from here. We'll continue talking more about working with the pipeline in this chapter, but if I switch over to the "Pipeline" tab, I can now see they've been added here. I can also see how many fall into each of these pipeline stages here on the left. All right, so that's a look at how to add candidates to your pipeline.
