From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Posting a job

- [Instructor] LinkedIn Recruiter allows you to create online job postings and share them out with the world. These postings can then be searched by job seekers on LinkedIn and will be recommended to potential candidates through the "Jobs You May Be Interested" feature. Posting a job from the Recruiter platform is easy to do too. First, let's take a look at where we can access this feature. Now, we already saw earlier that you can create a job posting when creating a project. So if I come up to Projects and Create new, we previously saw that once we fill in the project information, we have the option at the bottom to add a job post. So you can do it right from here when creating a project. Let's go back to the Recruiter homepage. Now you can also come up to the Jobs menu and select Post a job right from here. So you can create a job post this way if you didn't create win when you created a project. You can then associate this new post with an existing project if you like. So let's see how this works. Now, some of the information may already be filled out here depending on if you created the job posting from within a project or if you've created previous job postings. So you can just go through and customize these fields as needed. Now also in my case, I see this message telling me that I have no open job slots left but that's just because of this test account that I'm using. But in any case, I can now go through here and start adding the information relevant to this job posting. Notice we have some required fields here, like the company, and you can just start typing the company's name, and it should show up. Maybe I'm doing a job listing for Hansel & Petal. We'll add the job title. (keyboard keys clicking) We can choose the workplace type whether it's On-site, Hybrid, or Remote, and we'll add the job location. Next, we have Job function. So here I can click in this field and start typing. And when it pops up, I can select it, and you can have up to three different functions listed here. Below that, we can choose the company industry. Now you can see here that it's automatically added Events Services. Now if this is incorrect, I can just click the X to remove that and type the industries that are more relevant to this job posting. And we'll say Software Development, and again, you can select up to three. We'll set the employment type as Full-time, seniority level, maybe we'll just say Associate. And the next we have the job description area, and Recruiter will create a job description that they feel would be good for this job. Now the nice thing is you can use this, modify it, or you can start from scratch by deleting everything here and entering your own description. For now, I'm just going to leave this as is but when doing this for real, make sure you take the time to ensure an accurate job description here. And then we have this Add skills area. So here you'll add or remove skill keywords to make this job more visible to the right candidates. So you want to consider who do you want this job recommended to? What skills should the candidates have? So maybe in this case, I don't really need performance motivation, but maybe I can add a skill of leadership. As you can see here, we can add up to 10 skills. Next, you have to decide how you would like to receive your applicants. The first way is to let candidates apply with their LinkedIn profiles. That way they can just apply for the job with their LinkedIn profile and attach a resume. With this option, you'll get a notification at the email that you provide here. And notice we have a checkbox to require users to attach a resume if that's what you require. Now below this, you also have the ability to direct applicants to an external site. So when the applicant applies, they'll be brought to this external site for them to apply on. This might be your company's own website, a third-party hiring site, and so on. Now, down below this, you have to add this job post to a project. So you can add it to an existing project or create a new project from here. So if I click in here, it will list any of my existing projects. So here's the Sales Manager project we created earlier, I'll select that one, and this job posting will now be added to that project. Now when I'm done, I can click Preview and see what this posting will look like. And you can just scroll through and take a look here. So you can see it's nice and clean, and you can see how it provides all the information we filled out, well with the exception of the skills we chose because those are used internally by Recruiter to help qualified candidates with those skills see this listing. Once we're done here, we can click Continue. Now it's reminding me here to put an email address in here. Just do this, and I'll click Continue again. And this brings us to the next step of adding screening questions. So read through these and decide which of them are relevant to the job and therefore should be kept, or you can click the X next to any of the screening questions that don't apply. There's also a checkbox to indicate if any of these are must-have qualifications. For example, if we require a minimum of a bachelor's degree, I can check that option. Down here at the bottom we can add additional questions. So for example, if I wanted to ask if candidates are comfortable working in a hybrid environment, I can ask that question. You can even create a custom question if you can't find one here that fits your needs. I'm just going to cancel that for now. Now, if you've said any of the questions to Must-have, you'll have this option at the bottom to automatically filter out and send rejections to applicants who don't meet the must have qualifications. This is a nice way to automatically filter out applicants so you don't have to spend time going through and doing it manually. If you enable this option, take a moment to read and possibly customize the rejection email in this field below. And when you're done here, click Continue. And then we get to this page with, in this case, "6 ways to enhance your job". You can do things like adding a profile to your job post, which really helps. This is your profile by default or you can add one of your team members. Just be sure this person has a professional looking LinkedIn profile. Below this, you can add job tracking. You can also select the closest title to your job to make it more discoverable. And you can select benefits, compensation, and more. So take some time to customize all of these options as well. When you're done, you can click Preview again to see the preview, and when you're ready, you can click Finish and post the job, and it will start showing up for potential applicants on LinkedIn.
