From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Manually add a candidate

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Manually add a candidate

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we saw how to save a candidate to your pipeline while inside of a project, but there are a couple of other places where candidates can enter the pipeline. One way is if you have a job posted within a project, in which case any applicant to that job will appear in the pipeline. Another way is if you already know of a person who you want to be a candidate, but maybe they're not showing up as a recommended candidate. You can manually add them inside of the project. So I'm currently inside of my project and I have the pipeline selected. And here at the top, we can click Add a Candidate. That gives us this pop-up. And from here, I can enter in their LinkedIn information and add them by adding their LinkedIn profile. Or if they don't have a LinkedIn account, or you can't find it, you can enter them by adding in their resume file if you have that, or you can manually enter their first and last name, email, phone number, and any of this other relevant information. But in this case, let's say I know that they have a LinkedIn profile, so I'll type their name up here. I'll type in Jess. And I'll scroll down and find the correct person. There she is. So I'll select her and I'll click Submit. I see this message saying she's been successfully added to the Uncontacted list. And I'll just refresh the page, and there she is. So we can see that Jess has now been added as a candidate for this project. So if you already know of a specific candidate whom you want to add to the pipeline for a specific project, it's easy to manually add them.
