From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Manage your pipeline

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Manage your pipeline

- [Instructor] Now that we have candidates in the pipeline, let's take a look at how we can manage our pipeline. I'm currently in my Sales Manager SF project. I have Pipeline selected. And here on the left-hand side, you can see where it says My Pipeline. And we can see that we have five active candidates and four archived candidates. So let's say I have a candidate that I no longer need in my pipeline. Each candidate has some buttons and menus to the right. So if I no longer need Nicholas in my pipeline, I can just click Archive. I get the message that he was moved to archived in the pipeline. And now we can see we have four active candidates and five archived candidates. And for these other candidates, they're in different stages. We can see their stages over here on the right. We have Contacted, Replied, Contacted, and Uncontacted. This is a quick way to see where candidates are in the process. If you work with a team, it's also a great way for the team to see the progress with these candidates. Now, remember, if you don't want to see the stages listed here, you can go to your Project Settings, and, under Workflow Settings, you can turn off hiring pipeline stages. I'm going to leave them on in this case and go back to the pipeline. So if I wanted to see the candidates who are in the uncontacted stage, I can just come down here and click Uncontacted, and that shows me everybody who's been tagged that way. Now, to the right of their name, I can also change their stage. So maybe I contacted this person, so I can choose Contacted. They're moved out of Uncontacted, and now we have three listed under Contacted. We also have some other buttons here to the right. For example, we have the button to send a message to a candidate. So if I click that, I can send them a message. And if this person were uncontacted, I could then change their stage because, at that point, they will have been contacted. And if they reply, I can move them to Replied. So as you can see, it's easy to manage the status of candidates as they get moved through your pipeline.
