From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Evaluate your performance with reports

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Evaluate your performance with reports

- [Instructor] When using the Recruiter platform, you can keep track of how well you and your team are performing by tracking things like your InMail response rate or your average time to source or your apply rate. Now, thankfully, you don't have to get out your Excel spreadsheet and a calculator, because LinkedIn Recruiter makes this extremely easy. Up in the navigation bar I'm going to roll my mouse over reports and you'll see that we have several different reports here. I'll click on the top one, which is summary. Over here on the left hand side, you'll see that for these reports there are filters that you can customize. And then here in the center area we have the reports themselves. Here's one for InMail response rate, job utilization, company followers and more. Now, because I'm using an example account I'm not really seeing any useful information here, but your own reports will give you a lot more insight. Now, here at the top, we can see the different categories of stats we can check out. We have pipeline stats and here we can see our sourcing pipeline. Our average time to source, which is the average time it takes from when a candidate is entered in the pipeline and when they express interest or disinterest in the role. And again, on the left we can use these filters to customize the report we're viewing. You can also check out reports for usage, InMail, jobs. There's even one for custom. And you can see here there are a lot of different things you can filter for here. Now, at the top you can decide on which report type you want. Is this for users or projects? Once you have one selected, you can come down and customize whatever it is you want in your report. For example, maybe I wanted a report on InMail, so I could uncheck usage and pipeline. And then maybe for InMail, I don't need these last couple of stats, so I can uncheck those. And now I'll be able to create a report with just these four items. I can come up to the top and click save report or I can click on export to export that report so I can open it up in Excel or Google Sheets and so on. And lastly, we have this funnel category, which lets you see things like how many candidates you're impacting, or you can filter by high demand candidate segments using the filters here on the left to search for maybe senior positions. You can even check your team's hiring efficiency by selecting conversion rates from the view menu here. So it's a good idea to take advantage of all the reports that are available to you in Recruiter to help you see how well you're performing and maybe even make some adjustments to perform even better.
