From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Customize project settings

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Customize project settings

- [Instructor] Once you create a project, it's a good idea to spend some time customizing the project settings. I'm going to go into the project that we previously created, sales manager in San Francisco. Now here towards the top next to talent pool and pipeline, we have project settings. And this is where we can adjust our project settings. On the left, we can select different categories like project details, which is selected by default and this is what we filled out when we first created the project entering things like the job title, the location, seniority level, but you can go back and edit those at any time by clicking the edit button next to any of these. Next we have the workflow settings where we have these switches. Here we have toggle hiring pipeline stages. This refers to what we see if we go back to the pipeline view and this is where you can see the different stages of the hiring process for each candidate. So we have contacted, uncontacted, and replied. And these can help you quickly see where people are in this hiring process. But if you don't want these stages to show up for some reason, you can go back to project settings and under workflow settings, just turn the switch off. I'm going to leave that on for now though. Now we also have this other switch for hide candidate photos and names, which can be useful if you want to mitigate any unconscious bias when it comes to selecting candidates. Hiding their name and photo lets you focus on their qualifications and experience. I'm just going to leave all the default settings for now. Next, we have import candidates, which allows us to add multiple candidates in bulk. So if you have candidates that you want to enter into the project, you can do that by downloading the sample file here, entering the candidate information into the file, and then re-uploading it by clicking choose file. And at the very bottom here, we have project members, and right now I'm the only member of this project but over to the right we can add someone or we can reassign the owner. We'll take a look at how to do that next. But for now, I recommend just taking some time to go through and adjust or at least review your settings for your project. A little time upfront can save a lot of time and headaches down the road.
