From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Create message templates

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Create message templates

- [Instructor] If you send a lot of messages through recruiter, you'll probably want to take advantage of its feature that allows you to create message templates, which can save you time and make communication more efficient. Let's take a look at how to create a template. I'm back here again on the Recruiter homepage, and I'll come up to my photo, and I'll click on Product settings. And over here, under Recruiter Settings, I'll click Message templates. And as you can see, I don't have any message templates yet. I'll come up here and click Create new template, and here we can fill this out the same way we would fill out a message. First, we're going to name the template. I'll call it Sales Manager Candidates. Next is the template type, and we can choose message or interview invitation. For this example, let's say I'm creating a message template. And then we can add a subject. We'll say Sales Manager Position, and down below you can compose your message. I'm just going to paste in a message that I previously typed out, and you can see it there. But basically you want to write a version of a message that you frequently send to, in this case, potential candidates requesting a chat. You can then modify it for the specific candidate you're messaging. Down here at the bottom you can decide if you want to make it visible to only you or to anyone in the organization. So if you'd like your teammates to be able to use this template as well, you can select Anyone in my organization. I'll just leave this set to Only me in this case. Now, right below this we have this little squiggly bracket icon, and this is for adding places for variables in the message. A variable is a part of the template that might change from message to message. For example, you probably want the message to include the name of the specific person you're writing to. So I'm going to come up here and click right after "Hello" in the message and I want to add in a variable. And from here you can choose first name, last name, or full name. I'll select first name, and after that I'll just enter a comma. So when I create a message from this template it will say "Hello," followed by the person's first name, followed by a comma. And when you're done, you can click Save. And now I have the Sales Manager Candidates message template inside of my templates. So let's take a look at how we can use this. I'll go up to Projects, I'll go back into my Sales Manager project. And let's say I'm looking through here and I decide I want to send a message to Jess. Over here on the right, I'll click the envelope icon, and just like before we have this slide out window where we can start sending a message. But at the top here, we can search for a template. So I can see it right here, but I can also just start typing the name of the template to narrow down if I have a lot of templates. But I can select my template from here, and this particular message is pretty much ready to go. I don't need to customize it with Jess' name because the template variable will take care of that. I can basically just click Send and I'm done. I'll just cancel that for now though. Now this also really comes in handy when sending out bulk messages. So for example, if I'm here in my pipeline and I want to send a message to multiple people, I can select the ones I want to message just by checking next to their names. And then here at the top, once I have the people selected, there's a number of different things I can do. I can archive them, I can change their state, and so on. In this case, I want to send a message. So this message will be sent to the two recipients I've selected. I can search for my template, and each message will be personalized to that particular person. And I didn't have to type a single word after creating and selecting the template. So be sure to use templates as a way to save time when communicating with your candidates.
