From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Add team members to a project

From the course: Learning LinkedIn Recruiter

Add team members to a project

- [Instructor] Now let's take a quick look at how to add a team member to a project. For my homepage, I'm going to go to the project that I want to add a team member to. In this case, we'll go back to the sales manager San Francisco project and I'll go to project settings. And as we saw earlier, down here at the bottom we can see our project members. And currently I'm the only member of this project, but over here on the right we have a couple of options. One is to reassign the owner and you would select this option if you were no longer going to be the owner or manager of this project and needed to place that responsibility on someone else. I'll just cancel that. The other option here is to add someone else to the project. Now I can click add someone here, which opens up this window. Another way to get here is to scroll up to the top of the page, where I currently see my own icon telling me I'm the only team member again. But we also have this plus button here to invite a member to this project and that opens up the exact same window. So this plus button is always at the top of the project, regardless of which tab you have selected. So you don't have to go to project settings to invite team members. So I'll just start typing the name of one of my team members. I'll find them and select them. And once I select the person that I want to add, before I send out the invite I have to decide what permissions I want them to have. So down here it shows you different project permissions and job permissions. If you want to share full project access, they'll be able to do everything listed here or you can select pipeline only or view only if you only want them to see the project but not be able to edit it. In this case, I want to make sure I give Almeera the full project permissions. So I'll go back up here and select full project and at that point I can click invite and the invite will be sent right away to Almeera to become a member of this project.
