From the course: Learning ITIL®

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Why ITIL® 4?

Why ITIL® 4?

- [Instructor] ITIL V3 was released in 2007. Think about how much has changed since then. Businesses have changed as is IT's role in the business, and the IT we manage has changed with a typical environment now being a hybrid of traditional IT and cloud and mobile with a march at a quickening pace towards the latter. Developments such as cloud computing, infrastructure as a service, machine learning and blockchain are new opportunities for value creation and competitive advantage through IT. And new practices have emerged including DevOps, Lean, and Agile better suited to this changed business and IT environment. With IT enabled services now an integral part of any business, IT service management has become a critical strategic capability that helps businesses visualize and manage the key outcomes and practices required to balance stability, predictability, and quality with operational agility and faster time to value…
