From the course: Learning ITIL®

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What you should know - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning ITIL®

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course has no prerequisites, but familiarity with the key outcomes that individuals, teams, and organizations who provide IT services aim for, and the practices they use to achieve them are helpful. It's also helpful to have had some experience working within an IT function. I wrote this course to help you learn about ITIL and to help you understand what it will take to pass the foundation exam including the different options that are available to you for doing so. You should know that there are several options for preparing for and passing the exam, and that you should choose your path wisely from among them. If you're looking for ways to apply ITIL concepts be sure to check out my other ITIL related courses in this series, which cover topics like how to apply ITIL in a variety of ways and settings and are designed to fill in the blanks for many topics that ITIL mentions, but does not provide detail on how to…
