From the course: Learning ITIL®

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What to look for in ITIL® training

What to look for in ITIL® training - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning ITIL®

What to look for in ITIL® training

- [Instructor] Overall, you want to look for courses and trainers who are high quality, authoritative, accredited, and cost effective. Make sure your provider takes the time before, during, and after the training to connect the training to its context that asks what goals do you have for this training? What action do you want participants to take due to the training? Is there one skill you're looking for for participants to acquire in the training? If so, what is it? How does this training fit in with your overall initiatives and objectives? Look for providers who make sure participants know why they're there, how the training fits in with the organization's broader initiative and objectives, and what's expected of them. Look for courses and instructors that are superior in their ability to help you pass the exam and that provide a basis for applying what you've learned on the job. Courses with solid exam prep…
