From the course: Learning ITIL®

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ITIL® 4: Service value chain

ITIL® 4: Service value chain - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning ITIL®

ITIL® 4: Service value chain

- [Instructor] The ITIL v3 service lifecycle of strategy, design, transition, operation and improvement shown here is replaced in ITIL 4 with the service value chain. As you can see, ITIL 4 features a service value chain with activities arranged in six parts. The ITIL 4 value chain activity plan is roughly equivalent to the ITIL v3 strategy phase. Improve matches ITIL v3's continual service improvement phase. Engage is new and reflects an emphasis on customer and user experience. Design and transition and obtain/build are roughly equivalent to the design and transition phases in v3, and deliver and support is roughly equivalent to v3's service operation phase. Let's take a minute to drill down into each of these activities. Here we see the purpose of the first value chain activity plan where we all get on the same page around vision, status, and improvement direction for products and services in each of the four…
