From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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What's the point of a wireframe anyway?

What's the point of a wireframe anyway?

From the course: Learning Infographic Design

What's the point of a wireframe anyway?

- Once you have research nailed down and fully approved by all stakeholders. The next step is to wireframe your design. Now, this might seem like an unnecessary step for some of you, but I would actually argue that it's the most important step in the entire infographic design process. Think about it. You wouldn't build a house without first creating blueprints and getting them approved right? While your wireframes should act as the blueprints for your infographic design. When you wireframe before you start design, you take the time to make design decisions based on the five W's. Like my failed history of e-commerce infographic from 2010. I chose to jump right into design without first taking the time to plan out how each element would work together to best visualize the information at hand, by skipping the wireframe. I risked the success of the infographic. You see, without a wireframe to walk stakeholders through…
