From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Work with tasks

Work with tasks

- [Instructor] If you're working with multiple customers at multiple companies and you have multiple deals going on, keeping track of it all can be tricky but that's where HubSpot helps you out. Also, you may have tasks that are associated with deals and contacts, and even those companies. Well, HubSpot will help you track those, even remind you when you have things that need to get done. And that's what we're going to explore in this movie. If you go up to sales, click that tab and then choose tasks, you'll see a list of your current tasks. Of course, if you haven't created any yet, you'll see that you're all caught up. But we can create tasks directly from here. When we create a task, we can give it a name, a due date. We can associate it with a deal, a specific contact, or a company. Typically though, in reality, you won't be coming here to create your tasks. You'll be creating them on the fly as you're working on a deal…
