From the course: Learning HubSpot

What you need to know - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

What you need to know

- [Instructor] Here's what you need to know as we dive into this course. Firstly, HubSpot is cloud based, meaning you'll be accessing it online. I'll be running HubSpot from a browser on a Mac computer but you can follow along with virtually any browser on any platform, like Mac or Windows. Of course to do so, you're going to need an internet connection and HubSpot requires you to have a website when you sign up. So you'll be prompted for it when you set up your new account and if you don't have one, HubSpot will take you to a help page about setting one up. You should also know that this course is targeted to those who are either new to HubSpot or have started using HubSpot and want to ensure they're on the right track. Lastly, we'll be focusing on how HubSpot is used from a sales team perspective while using only what's free, but just know HubSpot does offer other options or Hubs used for other activities, which we are going to explore, such as marketing and service management, even a Sales Hub with paid options to help you take sales tracking automation and reporting to the next level.
