From the course: Learning HubSpot

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What HubSpot has to offer

What HubSpot has to offer - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

What HubSpot has to offer

- [Narrator] Just before we set up our free HubSpot account and get started working with many of the tools available to us, it's a good idea to see what HubSpot has to offer, compare the free versions to some of the paid options. And that's what we're going to do here in our browser by going to Webpages can be updated frequently so what you see on your screen could look a little different than mine, but what you probably will see are a number of buttons scattered about to help you get started with HubSpot, see Get HubSpot Free in the bottom left of my screen, there's another button in the top right-hand corner. To know what's available to us just hover over Software up here at the top. You'll see links to the Marketing, Sales, Service, and the new CMS or Content Management System hubs available to us. CMS being new is only available with a premium paid plan but you'll see the others like Marketing, Sales…
