From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Use snippets

Use snippets

- [Presenter] As you continue to use HubSpot to manage your customer relationships. One thing you'll need to do on a regular basis is stay in constant communication with them. One way to do that is via email which you may find as you're sending out emails, there are bits of texts that you use over and over again. Instead of having to type it out each time, you might want to create a snippet a little shortcut that you can just simply add to your emails when you need them. That's what we're going to explore in this movie. So whether you've created a ticket or you're working on a deal, you may want to get in contact with your customers. Let's say for this particular ticket we created in the previous movie, we want to send a follow up email. Well, we can do that easily directly from here but before we do, let's set up a snippet. We'll go up to conversations, click there and from the dropdown select snippets. You'll see a list…
