From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Make calls with the calling tool

Make calls with the calling tool - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

Make calls with the calling tool

- [David] As you've been moving through the screens here in HubSpot you may have noticed areas where you can track calls. There are even reports to track your call activity. That's all because you can make phone calls directly from within HubSpot, something we're going to explore right now. We'll do it by going to a contact, clicking the Contacts dropdown, and then Contacts. And from here, we'll select a contact we need to call. I'm going to go with the top one here, Karen Lesle. Now from here you'll notice a call button on the left-hand side, so long as we've stored a phone number with Karen, we'll be able to call her. Just keep in mind, the very first time you do this, you will be prompted to connect your own phone number to HubSpot, you'll be prompted for a location, and the phone number itself. A code will be sent to you, either as a text or over the phone, and you'll enter that to get started. Once you've done all…
