From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Launch the free HubSpot

Launch the free HubSpot - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

Launch the free HubSpot

- If you've decided to set up a brand new HubSpot account like I did, you've completed the first step by filling out your own personal information, your website, for example, your focus. You should be taken to a webpage that says to check your email. I've set mine up at the Landon Hotel and going to my email I'll see a link that will confirm setting up my new HubSpot account. And clicking it actually takes us to a new tab in our browser, which is the Getting Started page. Really it's a User Guide to help us get started with HubSpot. If you chose a different focus, like marketing or service, one of those tabs might be selected here. I chose Sales, so clicking the Sales Hub Free tab gives me some tools and resources to learn about using the Sales Hub, but also over here on the right-hand side, you can see there are a number of steps that still need to be completed in the setup of our account. We've only completed…
