From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Import contacts

Import contacts

- [Instructor] If you're new to HubSpot, but already have a long list of contacts you've been working with, the last thing you'll want to do is enter each one of them manually into HubSpot. Instead, it'll be faster to import them, something we're going to explore in this movie. Still looking at our one and only contact that we've added manually. If you're catching up, click Contacts in the top left, then Contacts from the dropdown menu. In the top right corner, we do see an Import button. I'm going to show you first, though, the file I'm working with. You can be working with Excel spreadsheets. You can be working with text files, where each of the fields is separated by a comma, known as a CSV file. If, for example, you're working with another CRM and you're switching to HubSpot, you should be able to export to one of these formats, like XLSX or XLS, the older version of an Excel file. Here you can see I have just a few…
